Fox's Howie Kurtz Whines About Nicolle Wallace Fact-Checking Trump In Real Time
Fox's so-called media analyst Howard Kurtz thought it was terribly "unfair" that MSNBC's Nicolle Wallace broke into a Trump lie-fest to inform their viewers that our Liar-in-Chief was lying.
As we discussed here at Crooks and Liars, what Nicolle Wallace did when she broke away from a Trump presser this week to fact-check him ought to be the de facto reaction by everyone in our media to the lying liar Trump, but apparently it didn't sit too well over on Trump's propaganda network, a.k.a. Fox "news."
Fox's so-called "media analyst" and Trump booster Howard Kurtz whined about Wallace and how terribly "unfair" it was for her not to allow Trump to finish his gaslighting before breaking in and informing her viewers that he was lying on this Sunday's Media Buzz.
Cry me a river Howie:
Her factual point was correct, but couldn't the former Bush White House aide have waited until at least the president had his say before unloading on him?
MSNBC then went back to the presser. When Trump yielded the floor to Mike Pompeo, Wallace broke in again.
Remember, this is daytime news coverage by a news network. Look, I don't care if Nicolle Wallace wants to attack Trump every single day. She's an opinion person, but at this press conference, there wasn't even the pretense of fairness by MSNBC.