House Republicans Create New Conspiracy About Democrats’ 'Mysterious' Mexico Tour

This is a lesson in how Republicans turn perfectly normal Congressional oversight into something terrible.

House Republicans, led by the nuts from the Freedom Caucus, have been screaming that Trump was illegally spied upon by law enforcement. They invent ways to play victim, even claiming it was a sin to have implemented a counterintelligence investigation against Trump and his campaign cronies even though they received intelligence that Russia was indeed helping Trump's campaign.

However, in a full reversal about said investigations, Rep. Jim Jordan and his pals demand -- demand I say! -- that Democratic House members investigate themselves and turn over all travel details of several from their party because of a single story from the right wing Washington Examiner.

Nearly a week later, that same story is blared on Fox News' website with a typical click-bait headline to slime those Democrats: House Republicans demand details on Dems' mysterious trips to Mexico. Mysterious trips to Mexico. Right.

Republicans on the House Oversight Committee are calling on their Democratic colleagues to provide more details about a series of trips taken to Mexico while staff were touring border detention facilities, amid reports that at least one Democrat has been involved in “coaching” migrants there on how to exploit U.S. immigration law.

In a letter to Chairman Elijah Cummings, D-Md., obtained by Fox News, ranking member Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, said there were at least two committee staff trips into Mexico in August — one of which required Border Patrol agents to provide a special escort back into the U.S.

OMG, George Soros must be funding a coup d'etat starting in Mexico.

Specifically, Jordan highlighted a report that said Rep. Veronica Escobar, D-Texas, was in attendance on one trip to Tijuana on Aug. 21. Escobar, who is not on the Oversight Committee, has been a vocal advocate of left-wing policies on illegal immigration.

You mean since Rep. Escobar is opposed to Trump's xenophobic and racist policies, she must be investigated?

Call the Stasi, Gym.

This story is being fueled by The National Border Patrol Council’s El Paso chapter and several Customs and Border Protection personnel and guess what? The Examiner is not using any on-the-record sourcing either.

How dare they?

As usual Rep. Jim Jordan is in the middle of it, but surprisingly he was on Fox News on Monday and didn't mention this at all. Not a word. I wonder why?

In the letter, Jordan asked Democrats a number of questions including what the purpose of the visit was, which individuals and groups they interacted with, why Escobar’s office was invited, and what “coaching” on immigration laws, if any, was given to migrants.

Escobar responded by calling the article “fabricated” and “fueled by xenophobia and misinformation.”

Nothing is mysterious, nothing is wrong, and there's nothing to see here. If only Jordan had been as "observant" about all those wrestlers he coached being molested.

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