Mike Pompeo Stumbles Trying To Explain Trump Inviting Taliban On 9/11 Anniversary

Donald Trump's foreign policy "risks" have been an embarrassment since he treats them all like a publicity stunt and meeting the Taliban at Camp David on the anniversary of 9/11 would have been a disaster.

During this morning's appearance on Fox News Sunday, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Trump "likes to take risks" in reference to why the administration thought it was a smart idea for Trump to invite Taliban leaders to America on the eighteenth anniversary of 9/11. The choice of dates created a huge pushback and the White House announced after this interview that they were delaying the meeting to a future date.

Wallace asked, "Who thought it was a good idea for the president of the United States to meet with Taliban leaders--who have the blood of thousands of Americans on their hands--just three days before 9/11?"

Pompeo tried to filibuster his way through his initial thoughts, claiming Camp David has had many nefarious type of types of people there.

Pompeo said, "Trump made the ultimately made the decision" and we "concluded this was a perfectly appropriate place."

He claimed Trump wanted to look everybody in the eyes to get a deal done. However, if Trump's past negotiations with hostile foreign leaders are an indication of his skills, then I imagine Trump would come out of it crowing to the press about getting a beautiful letter from the Taliban leaders and what a wonderful relationship they forged, without having accomplished anything else.

Wallace pressed it further, "But the Taliban has the death of thousands of Americans and it's just three days before 9/11. No concerns about that? And I guess, my question is -- you know, I can understand the [American] envoy talking to them, why does the president have to confer that status on them?"

In other words, Wallace wanted to know what the point would be for Trump to do as he did with Kim Jong-un, raising and legitimizing the status of a pompous murderous child dictator to new heights around the world by meeting with him. All Trump's "deal making" resulted in was helping the North Koreans and making the US look like fools and alienating our allies.

As Trump's former CIA Director Pompeo knows this, but still had the ass-kissing gall to say, "[Trump] is willing to take risks, if he believes he can deliver an outcome for the American people."

Please, he's willing to do anything to stay in the media spotlight at all costs, no matter what the outcome is for the American people. Further, it's pretty clear that he's trying to take some of the recent heat off his constant use of his properties worldwide by using Camp David now.

I'm all for negotiating peace by the US president, as long as it's done in a way that doesn't just affect those we talk to.

Trump could have set up a meeting with the Taliban leaders anytime he so chooses, but he picked the anniversary of 9/11 to get maximum exposure for himself since there would never be a real deal struck at Camp David, no matter how lovey-dovey they became.

Trump's lack of preparation, understanding and willingness to take time to learn as much as he can about each given situation in regards to hostile leaders and countries has become detrimental to the national security of the United States.

And here's a surprise: Russia media already knows exactly the deal Trump had allegedly planned to offer

The United States "insists that Russia be present in one capacity or another"? In whose interest would that be?

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