Fox News' Gregg Jarrett: Abuse Of Power Is Not Impeachable

Fox News has got to go if we want to keep our republic.

Until Fox News is discredited, disgraced and completely obliterated, our country will continue to be plagued with constant disinformation. Take, for example, this 40-second clip from Tuesday morning where Gregg Jarrett, disgraced commentator and recovering addict, blathers a ball of lies and lobs it at viewers willing to lap it up.

With regard to the proceedings underway in the House, Jarrett just made up his own legal analysis which has no basis in fact:

"The fact of the matter is, that the president's conversation was not a crime," Jarrett opined. "It is not an impeachable offense."

No one said the conversation was a crime. It was the shakedown of President Zelinskyy, using military aid as leverage that was the crime.

Jarrett went on to say it couldn't be a crime because the DOJ says it's not a crime. As if AG Bill Barr was an unbiased and objective arbiter.

He went on. "Now Democrats have embraced this amorphous concept known as abuse of power which is nowhere in the constitution," he said. "And the trouble with that is that it is sort of shifting sands of subjective interpretation that can be abused for political reasons exactly what the framers did not want."

Oh honey, you should really do your research before the framers reach out of the grave and slap your lying butt. Take, for example, the impeachment of Judge George W. English. Here were the charges against him:

  1. Tyranny and oppression, and abuse of the powers of his office.
  2. Partiality and favoritism, particularly to Charles B. Thomas, his referee in bankruptcy, to whom he was “under great obligation financial and otherwise.”
  3. Improper and unlawful conduct in connection with a “bankruptcy ring” operating in his district.
  4. Manipulation of bankruptcy and other funds, in conjunction with his referee in bankruptcy, for the pecuniary benefit of the referee, himself and his son.
  5. A general course of conduct constituting misbehavior and misdemeanor in office.

That first one? Abuse of the powers of his office? English was impeached 302-60 and resigned before he could inevitably be removed from office by the Senate. Looking at that list, at least three apply to Trump.

Trump should be impeached because he cannot carry out the duties of the office. He has not kept his oath of office from Day One, and without Fox News, he would already be gone.

Fox News is the number one source of disinformation right now. They are pathetic in their sycophancy, but file this one away for the inevitable holiday confrontation with your MAGA family members anyway.

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