George Conway Speaks. Is Kellyanne Listening?

Preet Bharara landed the first George Conway interview. And it's a doozy.

After tweeting up a storm, writing the occasional op-ed, and then pouring himself into a lengthy article arguing that Donald Trump is unfit for office, George Conway decided to say some things to Preet Bharara on his podcast.

Conway did not hold back. CNN's Alysin Camerota played some excerpts from the interview on the air Thursday, about the insane 9-page letter sent by White House counsel Pat Cipillone, impeachment, cowardly Republicans who stick to Trump like glue, and finally, some advice for those people inside Trump's inner circle.

On the letter, Conway was blunt:

This was trash. I mean, this was trash. I mean, basically the thrust of it is that there are some kind of constitutional obligations that the House has failed to meet that therefore render its impeachment inquiry illegitimate and unconstitutional, which is complete nonsense, because all the constitution says is that the House has the sole power over impeachment. It completely vests the power of impeachment in the House and the House-

… the power of impeachment in the House, and the House gets to decide how to go about doing that. All the House has to do at the end of the day is, by majority vote, vote out a bill of impeachment, which is essentially an indictment. Because it’s just essentially an indictment, they don’t have to conduct hearings at all. They don’t have to hear witnesses at all, and they don’t have to give anybody the right to cross-examine those witnesses. It’s garbage.

Bharara reminded Conway that it was good for the public to be brought along with hearings.

Right. Prudentially, I mean, it wouldn’t be wise for them not to conduct hearings, but they are under no obligation to allow the president to participate, and there are Republican members of these committees who can ask questions if they do have witnesses, and there’s no question that those Republican members are going to be carrying the president’s water. It’s just an excuse to prevent evidence, damning evidence, from reaching the public.

As for the sycophant Republicans in Congress:

And, and for the life of me, I think that all these politicians, I can’t see why they’re doing it, but they’re trying to figure out what’s the safest course? If I go out and criticize him, some people will attack me, if I don’t, some people are attacking me. They’re trying to chart some kind of a middle ground...


Instead of making all these political calculations, although I think the calculation they should be making is he’s going to be gone at some point and there’s going to be a reckoning and history isn’t going to be kind to people who said nothing or stood up for Trump.

But that said, even if you don’t believe in that, it’s clear that they’re not sure which way to go. If you’re not sure which way to go, why not just do the right thing?

That led Preet to ask: "Is your advice to people in his inner circle to quit?"

"If you can’t have a positive effect on him and I don’t think anybody can, yeah," Conway replied.


Watch Alisyn Camerota try to wrap her head around the fact that George Conway just told his wife to quit and yet she still works in the innermost inner circle. She speaks for all of us.

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