Hillary Clinton Mercilessly Mocks Trump's Letter To Erdogan

Hiillary Clinton’s jab at Trump is well-deserved.

Is this Hillary Clinton's "Delete Your Account" 2.0? It may be based on the hilarious response to Hillary's sick burn directed at none other than the Idiot In Chief, Donald Trump.

Everyone remembers the ridiculous letter Donald Trump sent to Turkey's Erdogan on October 9th just days after he green lighted the ethnic cleansing and murder of our allies, the Kurds. Sensing his horrific mistake (kidding, he never owns up to his mistakes), he sent a letter with sentences such as: "Don't be a tough guy", "Don't be a fool" and "Let's work out a great deal!"

I am shocked he didn't sign it with a smiley face and a heart.

Hillary Clinton tweeted this hilarious letter from JFK to President Khrushchev:

Hillary rarely tweets directly at Donald Trump, but when she does, she lands a solid blow.

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