Melania Trump Announces A New White House Tennis Pavillion

It's good to see how the First Lady, in the face of traumatized babies in cages and impending genocide of Kurds in Syria, gets to the heart of what's *really* important.

There's tone deaf and then there's tone deaf

Ignoring the constitutional crisis emanating from the West Wing, the humanitarian crisis on the border, the Russians and the Turks advancing upon the Kurds that we've abandoned in Syria, or the fact that her husband is an Adderall-addicted, dementia ridden megalomaniac willing to destroy the rule of law to save himself, Melania Trump has found her newest project:

Now keep in mind, there is a tennis court at the White House already. Teddy Roosevelt installed the first court, and its present location has been around since 1910. Melania and her patented gold Trump shovelâ„¢ and inappropriate shoes are ceremonially breaking ground on a pavilion in all its Palladian glory.

There are few details of this pavilion available to the public other than the picture above. Per CNN, the pavilion had not been mentioned until this June when the National Park Service submitted a proposal. It is meant to "provide a unifying element for the tennis court, the Children's Garden and the Kitchen Garden." The First Lady claims the pavilion will be built with "private money" with no explanation of whose money is being used.

Obviously, people had feelings about this.

And the coup de grâce

Ew. Just no.

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