Sen. Lindsey Graham: Trump's Biggest Lie Is That 'ISIS Is Defeated'

Lindsey Graham phoned it in to Fox and Friends, ensuring that Stable Genius would get the message.

Sen. Lindsey Graham, a vociferous Trump surrogate in the last few years went on Donald's favorite propaganda show and vehemently denigrated Donald's decision to abandon the Kurds in Syria who helped the U.S. fight ISIS.

Sen. Graham joined Fox and Friends full bore.

Sen. Graham said, "It is never in our national security interest to abandon an ally who helped us fight ISIS."

"ISIS is not defeated," he said.

Sen. Graham continued, "The biggest lie being told by this administration is that ISIS is defeated."

Graham said he would do everything he can in Congress to sanction Turkey militarily and economically if they step foot in Syria.

Lindsey went on a lengthy diatribe and finally called Donald's latest move "shortsighted and irresponsible."

Donald Trump has told so many lies it's hard to say which one is worse than the other, but for Lindsey Graham, a notorious war hawk, this makes the top of his list.

Don't forget to follow Lindsey's Democratic opponent @HarrisonJamie.

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