Shocker: Runs Op-Ed Arguing Trump Serves Putin First
Mary Anne Marsh explains to Fox News viewers how it is that Trump is acting in Putin's interests and not the United States.
Even Fox News can't turn away from what Donald Trump is doing and who he is serving. In a blistering op-ed for, Democratic strategist Mary Anne Marsh explains why Trump's current actions are bringing an early Christmas to Vladimir Putin.
Citing recent remarks by Rep. Francis Rooney, Marsh wrote, "Even Republicans are starting to recognize that Trump isn’t putting the interests of the United States first."
She goes on to outline four different policy decisions which are not in the best interests of the United States, but certainly are in the interest of Russia in general and Putin in particular:
- Trump gave Syria over to Russian control: "Russia can operate with impunity in Syria," Marsh says. "With Trump’s capitulation, Russia is positioning itself as the power to trust in the region." Indeed.
- Ukraine President Zelensky is forced to capitulate to Russian demands: "Clearly, Zelensky’s hand has been forced as Ukraine lost the backing of the United States, as evidenced by Trump’s reported withholding of aid in exchange for detrimental information on his political opponent Joe Biden," Marsh argues. "The potential Ukraine-Russia deal has also led to protests in the streets of Ukraine, furthering Putin’s goal of unrest and instability in this region."
- Trump wants Putin reinstated to the G-7 (formerly G-8): "Trump will use the next meeting, which he will host, to insist Putin be readmitted, despite even more egregious behavior since the annexation. Even if Putin is denied admission, he’s already reaped the benefits of having the United States advocating for him and against our allies … again."
- The United States and Russia are once again cooperating on issues related to cyber attacks -- just in time for the 2020 elections.
None of these points come as a surprise to those of us who have followed the arbitrary and capricious ways Donald Trump conducts foreign policy. What IS surprising is that Fox News would allow anyone to say so on their website -- with video.
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