Trump Disgraces Himself With Vicious Attack Against Rep. Omar

Flat out fascist racist attack against an elected Representative.

On the day Rudy Giuliani's close Ukraine buddies were arrested, Donald Trump flew to Minnesota to hold one of his racist rallies so that he could feel the glorious adoration of his sycophantic followers.

It's always on bad news days that Trump most revels in his toxic and vitriolic insanity. and need to viciously attack his critics and political rivals, often in a full-on racist fashion.

When asked about Giuliani's two henchmen, Trump's other personal attorney Jay Sekulow made believe Trump knew nothing. He played the Colonel Schultz game with the media

A favorite target of right-wing media and Trump is Rep, Omar, since she's a refugee from Somalia and is a Muslim.

Trump loves to gin up antisemitism and racism charges against her and the small group of newly elected women of color in the Democratic Congress to try and offset his own very real and public racism.

Rep. Omar, "is the first Somali-American, the first naturalized citizen from Africa, and the first non-white woman elected from Minnesota, and one of the first two Muslim women (along with Rashida Tlaib of Michigan) to serve in Congress."

So, therefore, she must be ruthlessly vilified and used as a punching bag for this xenophobic and racist president.

Trump told his crowd of moronic lapdogs how the hell did that ever happen!? Referring to her being elected as a congressman.

"How do you have such a person representing you in Minnesota? I’m very angry at you people right now,” Trump said.

They say "when you point your finger at one person there are three pointing back at yourself". And since the majority of registered voters in America want Trump impeached and removed from office? Donald, you should take a hint.

But he did not stop there.

He then proceeded to call her a disgrace without giving any information or even one of his patented lies.

"She is a disgrace to our country, and she is one of the big reasons why I’m going to win and the Republican party is going to win Minnesota in 13 months,”

Americans are truly getting fed up with Trump's juvenile attacks against anybody that disagrees with him, whether it's at these psycho rallies, yellicopter pressers or on his twitter feed.

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