Watch Trump And His Brave Defense Of Thanksgiving In Florida
The battle is never over.
Trump had another rally in Florida last night:
As we gather together for Thanksgiving, you know, some people want to change the name Thanksgiving. They don't want to use the term Thanksgiving, and that was true also with Christmas, but now everybody's using Christmas again. Remember I said that? But now we're going to have to do a little work on Thanksgiving. People have different ideas why it shouldn't be called Thanksgiving, but everybody in this room I know loves Thanksgiving and we're not changing it.
"That's the president of the United States last night, a rally in Florida talking about the alleged war on Thanksgiving, why, you ask? There was a segment yesterday on Fox News about the war on Thanksgiving," Morning Joe's Willie Geist said.
At least he could pronounce "Thanksgiving." As opposed to the "sock rocket":
Oh, he also thinks he ran against Obama!
Imagine a President Hillary Clinton doing this. Now imagine the media response. Wait, you don't have to! Remember the death watch outside Chelsea's apartment?
Trump's deteriorating mental condition would be an important story -- if the media all chose to focus on it. Instead, it's just another blip on the radar.