C&L's 2019 Winter Fundraiser: $20 For 2020

It's supporters like you who keep C&L going. As we head into 2020's impeachment and election madness, we're asking you to help keep us alive.

It's hard to believe 2019 is almost over, but it is and we're heading toward 2020 and the wildest year any of us have seen in politics yet. Impeachment will take hold of the first part of the year, Democratic primaries alongside, conventions in the summer, and the election in November. If you thought other election years were insane, strap in.

We've been working hard here at C&L to bring you the best stories, live streams, and up-to-date accurate information here every day. Our day begins at 5 AM every day and ends at 8 PM. That's 16 hours of stories written and videos cut every day, in addition to live streams curated and posted.

It's a labor of love, but it isn't free.

As we head into 2020, C&L needs your support now more than ever. John Amato has been wrestling with a recurrent injury while the rest of us are filling in for him as best as we can. Every day, we're still bringing it because we truly do have an amazing team of people who dedicate themselves to doing their best.

So I'm asking on John's behalf: Can you give $20 for 2020? Or better yet, set up a recurring donation for next year of $5 or more per month? It would really help, especially with everything happening next year.

Thank you for all you do, and especially for being a part of our community. It is because of you that C&L remains one of the last independent sites covering progressive politics in spite of Google and Facebook's best efforts to put us under.

A year-end gift of $20 or more or a recurrent donation would mean a lot to us.

Or by snail mail:
PO BOX 66310
Los Angeles, CA 90066

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