Mike's Blog Round Up
Daily links to great liberal blog posts...
Only FIVE Consumption Days Left Before Xmas!!
Delaying Action: his vorpal sword on insuring a fair trial in the Senate.
Dishwashers: They're as bad as toilets & faucets & showers & ...!! Mad Mike's America.
Demography: Bonddad Blog on generations & their politics. Theme continues w/ the next item.
Good News For Modern Man: The U.S. is catching up w/ European non-belief in Sky Fairies, per Kevin Drum at MoJo. (O.K., per the WSJ chart Drum embeds.)
Bonus "On the other hand ..." track, from Slacktivist: "Study: Young white evangelicals are white, evangelical".
An M. Bouffant compilation. You still have a day or two to submit stuff to mbru@crooksandliars.com.