Sen. Cory Booker: Dems Creating 'System That Rewards Big Money'

Booker also pointed out that John Kerry could stay in the race because he had his own money to loan his campaign.

On AM Joy Sunday morning, Senator Cory Booker had some overdue criticism for the Democratic Party and the outsized role of billionaires in the the 2020 primary process, using Kamala Harris' withdrawal as an example.

"Kamala's campaign was in a very eerily similar campaign point that John Kerry's was [in 2004]," Booker said. "Both around 4 percent in the polls. Both had to pull their campaigns from other states and fold them into Iowa. Both had some internal challenges."

He continued, "You know what Kerry did? He lent himself $5 million and went on to make it. Kamala came up short financially."

Reminding that Kerry finished first in Iowa and won the nomination, Booker chided, "We should not have a system designed that benefits folks who can write themselves a check. We should have a system designed that lets the voters, lets Iowa have a say."

"Iowans didn't get to choose whether Kamala was in the campaign. Iowans can't choose whether I'm on the debate stage or not," he said.

Nor did the rest of us. But we'll have to be subjected to the constant barrage of Steyer and Bloomberg ads because they can actually afford to keep on, no matter what.

You bet we need to have a conversation, Cory. The way the primaries have unfolded is infuriating and a waste of resources.

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