George Stephanopoulos Wants Democrats To Teach Pigs To Dance

His attitude is the reason Republicans succeed at unprecedented and destructive obstruction.

The reason Republicans are allowed to do things like obstruct Supreme Court justice appointments and ignore all of the evidence in an impeachment trial is pretty easy to see when you watch this interview on ABC's This Week where George Stephanopoulis steps off the reality train into Obstruction Desert, where one side is solely responsible for the other side's unconstitutional, unethical, fantasy-based, cult embrace of Dear Leader.

In this interview it is the job of the Democrats to teach pigs to dance bring Republicans to a place where they can set aside their decision to put their party over their country and instead weigh the evidence and convict Trump of the high crimes and misdemeanors for which he is charged.

As if there is some murky doubt about any of the evidence. As if confessions were not publicly uttered by Trump himself, defiant and just as criminal as if he had whispered them behind closed doors.

If breaking through Republican obstruction was so easy, we'd have Justice Merrick Garland, after all.

Just look at how GSteph frames his question to Adam Schiff: "If President Trump is overwhelmingly acquitted in the Senate, is that a failure?"

It's a failure, yes. A failure of the Senate Republican majority to actually act on the facts of the case. But GSteph wasn't asking about them. That question was aimed squarely at Schiff and Nadler. Their failure.

Later in the interview he does it again. "We are seeing the first signs of a political backlash," he said to Nadler and Schiff. "Your colleague, Democratic colleague in the House Jeff Van Drew of New Jersey is now suggesting he's going to switch parties, likely to announce that before the vote in the House this week."

He added, "Of course, he opposed impeachment, the only one who has publicly opposed it so far."

So again, it's Democrats' fault that a closet Republican is going to switch parties because they dared to vote out articles of impeachment that are 100 percent justified.

And even after Nadler chides him, he keeps it up! Here's Nadler: "But more to that point, this is not political. We should not be looking at those things. This is the defense of our democracy. Do we stay a democratic republic or do we turn into a tyranny?"

This seems straightforward enough. There is a question on the table. Democrats have investigated and found that in a minimum of two instances (when it's more like 200), Donald Trump violated the oath of office, used his office for personal gain, and plans to put our free and fair elections at risk. This should be a no-brainer but Stephanopoulos simply cannot accept that.

Thank heavens for Schiff, who put that into perspective even more, asking, "The real question is, why won't the Republicans do their constitutional duty?"

And more to the point, why won't pundits like GSteph actually acknowledge the lawlessness and craven political motives of the Republicans instead of making it the Democrats' responsibility to break the logjam.

We all know the saying: "Don't try and teach a pig to dance. It wastes your time and frustrates the pig."

Our Republican piggies are going to have to pay a price for their loyalty to Dear Leader, but don't count on George Stephanopoulos to ever be honest about that.

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