Tiffany Cross: 'This Is American Patriots Versus Draft-Dodging Traitors'

Joy Reid and Tiffany Cross rip apart the cynical, opportunistic GOP who would rather see it destroyed than give up a teensy bit of their power or profit.

Joy Reid and Tiffany Cross had a bit of fun re-enacting the crocodile tears Mark Meadows shed for his bestie pal, Donnie-boy this morning in his interview with Dana Bash. Reid and Cross broke out the tiny violins and wiped away fake tears as they pouted about how much our Dear Leader has been through.

But then, they both got serious. Extremely serious. This is no damn joke.

CROSS: SHAME. ON. YOU. MARK. MEADOWS! I mean, is this not ridiculous? I remember watching him sitting there saying that to Dana Bash, thinking, "Is anybody going to push back on that? Because, that's ri-DICULOUS." And she did try to fact-check him in real time, I mean they had a back and forth, and she tried to fact check him in real time not quite like you just dragged Kingston all across this set to fact-check HIM in real time? But this is ridiculous, literally the Republicans are...I know we make light of it, but this is actually very serious.

REID: It is very serious.

CROSS: This is our country. This is our democracy in peril. Donald Trump has time and again proven to be an existential threat to this country. And when you have Republicans who are his unindicted co-conspirators, who are coming out before the American people every single day and spitting in our face, trying to tell us it's raining. You have this welling and swelling of this red tide who's immovable, who believe this. They consume this nonsense, THEY are now an existential threat to our democracy.

We are young. Other countries have been around for centuries. We are a young democracy. We have never before been tested like this. It's not a partisan issue at this point. This is not Republican versus Democrat. This is American patriots verses draft-dodging traitors. We need to be honest about that. We have to demand that journalists hold these people accountable. It's not the time to do "Both Sides." Really, I can't tell you enough, that interview with Jack Kingston was spot on, you fact-checked him realtime. That's not partisan. That's saying, "No, what you're saying is demonstrably false." You can google these things and see they're not true. Sadly, most people who are stuck on Earth 2 are not going to see that interview. They're only watching Fox (F-A-U-X) News and they won't ever step back into reality.

It's disappointing and devastating that you and I, after all this country have done to people who look like us, we are bigger patriots than the Republican party.

DAMN. That last line. "Disappointing?" Understatement. "Devastating?" That's closer. In truth? It's f*cking OBSCENE. The segment of the population upon whose enslaved backs this nation was built see the threats to this democracy more clearly, are trying harder to protect this country more diligently than the whole of the Republican party, who would rather see it destroyed as long as it means their money and power are preserved?

Shame on them, indeed. If only they could feel shame.

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