December 8, 2019

Dana Bash asked Rep. Mark Meadows whether he has a double standard when it comes to his "concern" over Joe and Hunter Biden's activities in Ukraine and his oversight duties.

Before reading the transcript of their exchange below, keep in mind that Mark Meadows was not actually concerned about Hunter Biden or Ukraine in 2014 at all. No, those were the heyday of BENGHAZI! when Republicans were running seven different investigations on Hillary Clinton, whom they expected to be the Democratic nominee in 2016. They had no interest in Joe Biden at that time, and that indifference continued after he announced in 2015 that he would not seek the Democratic nomination.

Watch Meadows ooze his disrespect for all of us in his exchange with Dana Bash above. Rough transcript below:

BASH: Maybe you could also admit if Joe Biden just went off into the sunset and didn't decide to run for president, you wouldn't care.

MEADOWS: I don't know that that is correct.

BASH: You would care if he were retired and done with all of of this?

MEADOWS: Anyone who has had corrupt intent or inappropriate intent, whether it be Joe Biden or anybody else, I've been on oversight for four terms now. You know that I go after it. And I even go after it when it is this administration."

One of the few people who have signed bipartisan letters to look into issues. You have to take it serious. But at the same time, just because Joe Biden happens to be running for president, to give him a free pass, I mean, that's just not appropriate.

BASH: Let's say it was a Democrat in the White House. Say President Elizabeth Warren, President Joe Biden, Pete Buttigieg, pick your Democratic candidate were to say to a foreign leader, please investigate my top Republican rival. You would be totally fine with that?"

MEADOWS: Well I could tell you that when we're talking about investigations, coordinating with the attorney general, it is appropriate. And we have actually Democrat senators who have done just that, Dana? You know there was a letter from two Democrat senators who actually reached out to Ukraine and said we need to make sure that you cooperate with the Mueller investigation. Is that not a Democrat asking a foreign country and even intimated by aid.

BASH: So you would be okay with it?

MEADOWS: I would be okay with that. Certainly when we look at that, we have -- we have agreements with foreign countries that say if you deal with the appropriate people, and in this case it would be the Attorney General of the united states, if you deal with the appropriate people, then certainly having those coordinations on investigations would be appropriate.

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