Trump Whines About Light Bulbs In Bananas Press Conference
This press conference may be one of the weirdest ones to date, part 2
People. I just wrote a post about Donald Trump rambling about toilets. During this same totally insane press conference monologue, Trump also complained about light bulbs. He thinks they make people look *orange*.
Hate to break it to you, tangerine Mussolini — it is just YOU that looks orange because you put half-an-inch of orange foundation and bronzer on your face. The rest of us look normal.
"They got rid of the light bulb that people got used to....I hate to say it. It doesn't make you look that good. Being a vain person, that is important to me. It gives you an orange look. I don't want an orange look."
But, were they laughing at him or with him? I honestly think it could go either way. I mean, he IS orange. Like, not in a "Hmmm, your bronzer is one shade too dark," kind of way. No, he is orange, like in a "Did you mix Tang in with your foundation to get a color that does not exist in real life?" kind of way.
But he was honest about one thing - he IS vain.