Whistleblower's Lawyer Wants Marsha Blackburn Off Of 'Protection Caucus'

The whistleblower's attorney is calling for Sen. Marsha Blackburn to be removed from the "whistleblower protection caucus." She was ON that?

Sen. Marsha Blackburn has attacked witnesses including the whistleblower. She's doing henchman work for Mitch McConnell in defense of Trump. And she sits on the Senate's "Whistleblower Protection Committee? Is that like one of those opposite things, like calling a pro-pollution bill the "clear skies initiative"?

Blackburn pollutes Fox News and the US Senate with her dutiful servitude of Republican lies and malfeasance. Her election to the US Senate in 2018 is the most shameful result of the midterms, bar none. She lied about Planned Parenthood and baby parts in her House Committee, released a report ENDORSING stem cell research under the cloak of darkness, ignored the abortion "issue" in her Senate campaign, and got elected to the US Senate by the brainwashed Republicans of Tennessee.

And don't forget that it was Blackburn used by Mitch McConnell to stop a unanimous bill requiring a report to the FBI for any foreign funding of a federal political campaign from a foreign source. Who did THAT protect for 2020?

And now the Ukraine phonecall whistleblower wants her gone from the "Whistleblower Protection Caucus." It's unbelievable that she's sitting on that after being the GOP attack dog against both the whistleblower and Lt. Col. Vindman.

Resisting the urge to use the term "good little German" in this post. I'm doing great, aren't I?

The whistleblower's attorney has had enough.

And so say we all.

H/T Msn.com

PS Never ever forget her attack on Social Security in 2010.

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