Bret Baier Goes Full 'Dear Leader': Accuses Critics Of 'Trump Derangement Syndrome'

Lou Dobbs, eat your heart out. So-called "straight news anchor" Bret Baier accuses critics of Trump's war based on lies as having "Trump Derangement Syndrome."

Fox News' supposed "straight news anchor" Bret Baier claimed that the escalating tensions between Iran and America are now over, and everybody who ever doubted Donald suffers from "Trump Derangement Syndrome."

You mean being outraged that Trump could have (and still might have) instigated a war with Iran was a sort of overreaction on the part of the United States? The idea that this whole situation is put to bed is ludicrous on its face especially for a "seasoned reporter" like Baier.

And let’s not forget If anyone will pay a significant price for Trump’s reckless actions, it is our allies overseas.

Trump sniffled through his nose throughout his short briefing after Iran bombed targets overnight in Iraq in response to Donald's assassination of Gen. Soleimani.

But to Bret Baier, the Trump doctrine rang through because he didn't rant and rave and attack or spew spittle at his political rivals as he usually does during any briefing to the press.

Baier also claimed Trump was right all along even though we are less than 24 hours after Iran's initial response to said Soleimani’s death.

Baier made these remarks immediately after Trump spoke to the nation.

He said the gang of eight was being briefed, before weirdly and confusingly saying, "But there is this sense that this president perhaps doesn't get credit when something goes right."


Baier continued, "Originally as this was all happening it was going to be World War III, he starting World War III and there is no strategy. Now, we saw what Iran did in response. We see what the US is saying in response to that. And you wonder whether Trump derangement syndrome factors into some of the responses you here publicly you here in Washington."

Wow, Bret Baier goes full "Dear Leader." Lou Dobbs, eat your heart out.

This sounds like something you’d hear on Fox and Friends or Hannity.

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