Chuck Todd Keeps Enabling GOP Gaslighting Despite 'Epiphany' On Their Media Tactics

Just two weeks after his special on the spread of misinformation in the press, Meet the Press host Chuck Todd invited former NC Gov. Pat McCrory onto Meet The Press to accuse Democrats of using Iranian talking points.

Anyone who has been around long enough to have lived through our invasion of Iraq, and the Bush administration's bullying tactics against anyone opposed to it, accusing those on the left of aiding and abetting terrorists, not loving America and basically being traitors -- until their lies finally blew up in their face and the people who warned against it were proven right -- has seen these tactics before. Apparently Chuck Todd has a very short memory, because he allowed this unchallenged and false vitriol from former N.C. Gov. Pat McCrory to go by without so much as a blink of an eye or one ounce of pushback on this Sunday's Meet the Press:

CHUCK TODD: I want to start with a little bit of campaign rhetoric from candidate Donald Trump. Take a listen.


DONALD TRUMP: The current strategy of toppling regimes with no plan for what to do the day after only produces power vacuums that are filled simply by terrorists. Enough endless war. It's time to have a real plan for victory. They've dragged us into foreign wars that make us less safe.


CHUCK TODD: All right, I want to get into the substance in a minute, but Pat McCrory, I'm going to start with that political -- does the president have a potential long-term political box he may be in now with Iran, in that he may have, he may end up in a war whether he likes it or not?

PAT MCCRORY: Well, any president dealing with the Middle East is put into this situation throughout my lifetime. But the fact of the matter is there's a lot of hypocrisy. We had one U.S. Senator just two weeks ago call the president and our country impotent, because of not responding to the attack against our embassy.

And yet when the president killed a terrorist who was hiding behind the Iranian flag, but he was really a terrorist who was only 15 miles away from our embassy, he’s then called by Democratic leaders incompetent, unstable, act of war, terrorist.

Just verbal attacks by our Democratic leaders, and that's making him more weak. Because I think the Democrats, at this point in time, went too far in their rhetoric in making our country weaker in responding now to the Iranians' possible counterattack.

CHUCK TODD: Wait, are you implying that the president over-responded here because of this -- these Democratic attacks?

PAT MCCRORY: No, no, I'm saying --

CHUCK TODD: Oh, I’m conf --

PAT MCCRORY: -- No, I'm saying the president, when he did respond --


PAT MCCRORY: -- now the Democrats have made these very personal attacks. In fact, they could almost be speaking points for the Iranian regime. We can't make our president the villain in this.

We can disagree with our president. I have no problem with that. But I think the Democrats are playing this wrong --

It was just two weeks ago that Chuck Todd aired a special on the spread of misinformation, and as Jay Rosen rightfully ripped him apart for, admitted to Rolling Stone that he had been "naive" about Republicans and their commitment to spreading lies.

Apparently another week passing hasn't made him any better than he was last week. Todd continues to aid and abet the spreading of those lies with segments like this one, and was rightfully taken apart for it on Twitter.

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