Fox Host Challenges Trump Attorney Dershowitz Over Flip-Flop On Impeachment

When your spin is so bad even the hosts on Trump's propaganda network are questioning it.

Trump defense attorney Alan Dershowitz, whom I assume will be making an appearance on the floor of the Senate this week, to make the ridiculous claim that abuse of power isn't an impeachable offense, (which, as one Georgetown law professor explained, has “no sound basis” in history and law) made an appearance on this weekend's Fox News Sunday, and was actually confronted by host Chris Wallace about his shifting stance on what is an impeachable offense.

Wallace rolled out the tape of both Dershowitz and Trump lickspittle Sen. Lindsey Graham from back during the Clinton impeachment days, and here was Dershowitz's lame defense for his blatant hypocrisy:

During an interview on Fox News Sunday, Wallace played a clip of Dershowitz discussing President Bill Clinton’s impeachment in 1998 in which Dershowitz argued that “if you have somebody who completely corrupts the office of president and who abuses trust and who poses great danger to our liberty, you don’t need technical crime.”

Considering Dershowitz will now be arguing before the Senate that Trump can’t be impeached because the House’s articles don’t detail a “technical crime,” Wallace confronted the retired Harvard law professor on his apparent flip-flop.

“Let me ask about this, because when you argue that case, that what didn’t have to be a crime in the Clinton impeachment, I find it very hard to believe that you had not studied the only other presidential impeachment in history, which was the [Andrew] Johnson impeachment,” Wallace said. “So suddenly discovering that the key issue is what Justice Curtis argued in 1860, you’re too good a lawyer not to have studied that back in 1998.”

Dershowitz attempted to argue that crime wasn’t an issue in the Clinton impeachment because the then-president was charged with a crime, prompting the Fox host to point out that “we just put the sound bite up where you said it doesn’t have to be a crime.”

“I’ve been immersing myself in dusty old books and I’ve concluded that no, it has to be a crime, it doesn’t have to be a technical crime,” Dershowitz countered. “That’s what scholars do—that’s what academics do.”

The lawyer also highlighted that Democrats and liberals have also changed their stances on impeachment, noting that fellow Harvard alum Laurence Tribe once said a sitting president couldn’t be prosecuted but has since argued the opposite.

“It’s also what lawyers do, which is depending on the facts of the case and the side they’re arguing, they find an argument to make,” Wallace shot back.

Given Dershowitz's past affiliation with Jeffrey Epstein, it's amazing that they'd want this guy showing his face in public to defend Trump anywhere, but that's just the way this bunch rolls. Everything is in-your-face with the open corruption and blatant hypocrisy with these thugs, and the more brazen, the better as far as they're concerned.

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