Lev Parnas: Devin Nunes Was Involved In The Plot To Get Dirt On Biden

During Part I of his interview with Rachel Maddow Tuesday, Lev Parnas pointed a finger at Devin Nunes.

In a parting shot at the end of Part I of his interview with Rachel Maddow, Lev Parnas said Devin Nunes was part of the plot to dig dirt on Joe Biden.

“We don’t have too much of a relationship,” Parnas replied in response to Maddow's question about how he knew Devin Nunes. “We met several times at the Trump Hotel, but our relationship started getting — basically where it expanded was when I was introduced to his aide, Derek Harvey, and the reason why Derek Harvey I was told because Devin Nunes had an ethics — something to do with the Ethics Committee, he couldn’t be in the spotlight. He was kind of shunned a little bit and that he was looking into this Ukraine stuff also, wanted to help out. And they gave me Derek Harvey to deal with.”

Derek Harvey is Nunes' staffer. When asked whether Parnas briefed Harvey on Ukraine plans, Parnas explained that he didn't need to because Harvey knew it already.

Parnas also expressed surprise that Nunes and Harvey were present in the Intelligence Committee impeachment hearings.

“I was in shock when I was watching the hearings and when I saw Devin Nunes sitting up there, and then there was a picture where Harvey was in the back sitting. I texted my attorney ‘I can’t believe this is happening,'” he said.

Why was he shocked? “Because they were involved in getting all this stuff on Biden,” Parnas said.

So there you have it. Nunes and his aide Derek Harvey were in the whole extortion scheme up to their ears and yet he sat there in those hearings like he deserved to be there.

Rep. Ted Lieu had thoughts:

UPDATE: Morning Joe had an interesting side-by-side with Devin Nunes lying about his relationship with Lev Parnas, then and now.

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