Pompeo Lies, Says Iranians Aren't Shouting 'Death To America'

Chuck Todd "left it there" on Meet the Press Sunday when Secretary of State Mike Pompeo lied and said Iranians weren't protesting America even after shouts of "Death to America" rang out in Iran's Parliament earlier.

Boy howdy, did Chuck Todd recover his näivèté about Republicans in a big way, or what? First he let former Governor and poor loser Pat McCrory lie, and then he let Mike Pompeo lie and in a big way.

Right at the end of Pompeo's Republican Talking Points Spew, aka interview, Chuck Todd asked one last question: "If targeting Soleimani is not regime change, then what are we advocating, if not regime change?"

Legit question, especially since John Bolton tweeted his joy at the prospect of regime change.

Here is Pompeo's answer in full:

As I said before, Chuck, we clearly stated our strategy for three years. We want the regime to change its behavior. And ultimately, the leadership in Iran will be determined by the Iranian people. We saw the protest. I am confident we will continue to see protests. They weren't protesting against America. They weren't protesting, saying, "Death to America." They were demanding that the Iranian leadership behave in a way that takes care of the Iranian people. I am confident that the American support that we provide to that and support that's provided from countries in the region and around the world will continue to support the Iranian people in their quest for freedom.

Oho! Look at the video from yesterday showing Iranians marching in the streets shouting "Death to America!"

And here is video of the Iranian PARLIAMENT (aka representatives of the people) shouting "Death to America!"

Now if I could find those videos without too much trouble (Google "Iran AND Death to America), you'd think Chuck Todd or his producers could too! They could be armed with facts, because that particular pernicious lie of Pompeo's was intended to reassure Americans that Iranians really, really like us and they really, really wanted us to assassinate their number two guy when in fact they are wishing death to each and every one of us.

But Chuck did what a Chuck Todd does: "Secretary Pompeo, I'm going to have to leave it there."

How many lies does a Chuck Todd hear if a Chuck Todd doesn't check truth?

UPDATE: They're still at it, too.

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