Rick Wilson: Republicans 'Live In Absolute Abject Terror Of Donald Trump'

Republican strategist and never-Trumper Rick Wilson completely dismantled the Republicans' feigned outrage over Adam Schiff reading the reported "heads on a pike" threat from Trump, despite the protests and constant interruptions from Trump flack Steve Cortes.

Republicans found yet another reason for more feigned outrage over the impeachment hearings this week, when Rep. Adam Schiff dared to read a portion of a news report from CBS News, where Trump reportedly threatened GOP Senators that they'd better vote for his acquittal, or their "head will be on a pike."

Here's the portion of Schiff's speech that has a number of them heading for the fainting couches this weekend:

During his closing arguments at the Senate impeachment trial on Friday, impeachment manager Rep. Adam Schiff made a comment that set some Republicans off.

CBS News reported last night that a Trump confidant said that GOP senators were warned, ‘Vote against the president — and your head will be on a pike,’” he said. “Now, I don’t know if that’s true.”

He added, “I hope it’s not true,” before arguing that this is the sort of statement a president who believes himself to be a king would make.

During a panel discussion on this very topic on MSNBC Saturday evening, never-Trumper Rick Wilson completely dismantled the Republicans' feigned outrage over Schiff's remarks, despite the protests and constant interruptions from Trump flack turned spokesperson for a pro-Trump SuperPAC, Steve Cortes, who did his best to ruin Reid's show which normally airs in the morning, but was delayed for the impeachment hearings that aired live earlier in the day.

REID: I want to get Rick Wilson in as well, because the idea that Donald Trump may be sending signals somehow, that Republicans had better stay on line, I think to the sort of average person watching Republicans over the last three years, they get this sense that they really -- I don't know if it's fear of him. I don't know what it is. They will not defy him.

Back in the days when you were doing the work of sort of, you know, helping with the communication from Republicans to other Republicans, what would that look like, and do you believe that that kind of a message was sent?

WILSON: Look, Donald Trump – these guys live in absolute abject terror of Donald Trump. They don’t want a primary, they don’t want Trump to tweet about them, they don’t want Trump’s crazy people to come out of the woodwork when he says “ Congressman so-and-so doesn’t support me enough.” And they don’t want their lives to turn into a burning Trumpian hell.”

Now, Steve's idea that these people all just leap up every morning and don their sacred robes and bow to the great Orange god is completely absurd. None of these people down there -- about a third of them are like the opportunists who want to play the game and get their legislative goals. About a third of them are the true cult believers. And the rest of them are absolutely terrified of Donald Trump every day.

They loathe him and yet they are trapped in this world with him. They can't move. They can't budge. They are so locked down by their fear of Trump's rage, of Trump's uncontrolled temper. You know, he said earlier in the thing he was describing Trump as a brawler and pugnacious. No. He is an extortionist. He is a bully. He is a president who happens to be in the Oval Office right now, but he's the First Thug.

This is not a guy who inspires love and inspiration. He inspires terror. And that's working for them right now. That works for this White House, and the reason --

CORTES: I'd encourage you to go to a Trump rally because you'd feel nothing by patriotism.

WILSON: Thanks, Steve. If I want to do that, I’ll just watch Nuremberg videos.

Followed by Cortes attempting to yell over Wilson before Reid shut him down and allowed Wilson to finish his thoughts.

WILSON: Donald trump inspires terror in them because he tweets about them, he threatens them with primaries. He has altered the structure of the Republican party and removed all the incentives that were ideological or political and they are now based on fear of retention of their offices.

CORTES: You just compared the deplorables to Nazis.

After more feigned outrage from Cortes, Reid intervened and called Cortes out for crying about Wilson making statements about Trump and his supporters, while ignoring the childish idiocy we see from Trump everyday as exemplified in the tweet below:

As Reid explained before moving onto one of the other guests "Trump should set the example. He's the one who should be best."

And MSNBC should quit having these gaslighting Trumpsters on to pollute our airways.

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