Rudy Giuliani Attacks John Bolton As A 'Backstabber' And 'Swamp Character'

Takes one to know one, Rudy!

Who you gonna believe: your own eyes and ears, or the lies of lying liar Rudy Giuliani?

Rudy Giuliani agreed to be interviewed by Catherine Herridge, former Fox News hack who now works for CBS. I guess John Dickerson was not available? Or maybe Rudy was afraid to talk to anyone who was not associated with Trump's state TV network.

Rudy's attacks against Bolton -- himself a former Fox News analyst and Trump national security advisor -- stem from the ridiculous idea that John Bolton never told him personally that he was a "hand grenade" in Ukraine.

Catherine dutifully asked Giuliani if John Bolton "asked him to shut down his investigation into Ukraine?"

Rudy replied, "No."

Rudy then stuck to his story that he was only investigating corruption in Ukraine at Trump's behest. Hard to say if Rudy thinks anyone believes that lie or he says it because he's run out of any other excuse.

Every witness that has come forward to the House of Representatives and to the media have confirmed and exposed Giuliani's shadow government and his efforts to smear what Trump believed was his biggest political rival (Joe Biden) in the upcoming election.

At least Herridge told the audience that there is no evidence of any criminal wrongdoing by the Bidens. Of course, that means nothing to rat Fokker's like Rudy.

Rudy changed the subject as he always does and said Bolton "never came to me and said I have a problem with what you're doing in Ukraine... never once never winked... never sent me a little note..."

"That's classic backstabbing," he said.

That's not Bolton's job at all. Bolton told every White House staffer who came to him with ethical questions about the Ukraine mess to talk to White House counsel. He knew it was wrong and correctly advised his colleagues to cover their anatomy by documenting their issues with counsel.

Rudy continued portraying Bolton, who was revered in conservative and Republican circles his entire career, as a "swamp character."

And then he called Bolton's testimony, even though there has been no testimony from the former NSA because Trump refuses to allow Bolton to testify, as "pretty incredible."

The only swamp character is Rudy Giuliani. Rudy tried to subvert the Constitution of the United States in an effort to have Trump illegally prevail in the 2020 presidential election.

Rudy should be disbarred and never be allowed to practice law again.

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