Trump Reportedly Threatens Senators: 'Your Head Will Be On A Pike'

CBS News reports that Trump is threatening senators to vote for his acquittal - or else.

Trump Reportedly Threatens Senators: 'Your Head Will Be On A Pike'

According to CBS News, Donald Trump has threatened Republican senators to vote for his acquittal or their "head will be on a pike."

Shoot, that sounds like an abuse of power to me. In fact, that sounds exactly like someone who shouldn't have any power at all. And if these Senators are smart, they'll decide he shouldn't either.

Here's the report:

And some reaction from our side:

I don't know. It seems like a juvenile and empty threat to me. What are these people so afraid of that they would sell their souls for him? He's not that powerful. He's not beloved. He's not smart. Without the office he's just a scared little Nazi with his re-enactor following. Why are they giving him that power?

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