Chris Matthews Short-Circuits On Live TV About Bernie Sanders And Castro
Fox News should send a thank you note to Chris Matthews for his rant conflating Bernie Sanders with 1950s communism and never mind that that is clearly not what Sanders stands for.
During a post-debate discussion on MSNBC last night, Matthews admitted that his gripe against Sanders goes back to a 70-year-old world view. And even then, it might have been ridiculous. Bernie-led executions in Central Park? Come on!
Chris Hayes interrupted to say that Sanders’ statements and his agenda are “pretty clearly” more Denmark than Cuba.
But Matthews refused to buy it.
Did Matthews forget that it’s Donald Trump, not Sanders, who buddies up to Vladimir Putin and other world dictators? Just yesterday, it was Trump who proved ready, willing and able to wreak revenge on his political foes.
While the real clear and present danger to democracy occupies the White House, Matthews sounds like a raving grandpa stuck in the last century. Worse than that, Matthews just gifted Trump and his propagandists a slew of “Here’s what a Democrat says about Sanders” soundbites we may hear forever.