Fox News Defends Blagojevich Pardon: Public Corruption Shouldn't Be A Factor

Lisa Boothe was especially adamant that there are only two kinds of crimes -- violent and nonviolent. Violation of the public trust to these shills is a non-factor.

Who knew Fox News viewers are only for long prison sentences for unconscionable violent offenders like mob hitmen?

After Trump issued his imbecilic pardons yesterday, the Tuesday evening lineup on Fox News state-sponsored Trump TV went virtually mum on the entire issue because it's pretty much indefensible and is the essence of filling the swamp with scumbag criminals who give a middle finger to public trust.

Reed Richardson highlighted the entire evening schedule and how state TV handled it and it is quite revealing.

Destroying the stock markets, preying on the voting population and using high office to enrich themselves are all now "nonviolent offenses" covered by Saint Trump's criminal justice reform measure which was bipartisan, wholly incremental and nothing he actually participated in.

And then we come to Bernard Kerik, a constant presence on Fox News back in the day.

Kerik was sentenced to four years in prison in 2010 after pleading guilty to eight felony charges for offenses including failure to pay taxes and lying to White House officials during a failed nomination to be Homeland Security secretary.

All just fine. Nothing to see on Fox News last night.

However this morning it got a little more heated between guests and Fox News contributors.

On Fox News' Outnumbered Wednesay, they opened with Rod Blagojevich's pardon. Lisa Boothe, a virulent Trump supporter, tried to claim the corrupt former governor shouldn't have been sentenced to 14 years in prison because a mob hitman only got twelve. She was adamant that long sentences for non-violent offenders were ridiculous.

Yes, this is where we are at.

In Lisa Boothe's case and many on Fox News, they are trying to claim in their smarmy fashion that there should only be two categories in our legal system.

Violent and nonviolent crimes.

If you're a white-collar criminal who bilks the American public out of billions of dollars, destroys the stock markets, creates the environment that leads to global financial collapse, the harshest punishment you should receive is collecting garbage off the side of the road in an orange jumpsuit.

And the man who epitomizes what the culture of corruption is -- former Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich -- was in the middle of serving his sentence for his heinous actions. Still, he just had to be freed because his punishment was just too severe. Also because his wife haunted the Fox News airwaves begging for a pardon in the hopes Trump would see it. He did.

They're insane, this group of fabulists who think criminal justice can just be a question of violence or not violent, harm to the public be damned.

When McDowell told Boothe that all the Republicans in the Illinois legislature were furious over Trump's outrageous pardon, Boothe shrugged it off angrily, declaring that she makes up her own mind and doesn't care what any Republican responses to this pardon were in the state that convicted him.

All that matters to these paid sycophants is to bow down to the egomaniac imbecile Trump and tell him what a good job he did.

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