Fox Asks: Will Roger Stone Get Tattoo Of Trump Next To Nixon?

Trump's TV Cabinet picks another pardon for him, of course. And this so Roger Stone is free to cheat in the 2020 election for Donald just like he did for Nixon.

During Fox News' Outnumbered, all the pro-Trump hosts defended a possible Trump pardon of Roger Stone and cited their own bizarre excuses to justify it.

Anything for the king! And the court ratfu*ker who will cheat in the upcoming election on the king's behalf.

After a news report, Marie Harf said, "Roger Stone has played fast and loose his entire career with legal issues. The fact that he tweeted cross-hairs over the judge's face in the trial is insane and now it's coming home to roost."

Melissa Francis jumped in to defend Stone's immoral, illegal and despicable behavior and said, "He has a tattoo of Richard Nixon on his back -- I mean he's done bizarre things…"

Wow, just wow.

Then the Fox co-host continued her justification and said there are others who lied in other investigations and Marie shot back, "It is a crime."

"I understand, I'm just saying," Francis said.

She went on to say the way people are prosecuted including Paul Manifort is very uneven in her mind.

Brian Kilmeade's astute observation is that if [Stone] "does get pardoned he'll put aTrump tattoo right next to his Nixon on his back."

That ladies and gentlemen is the riveting commentary from Fox Trump state-sponsored TV.

Marie Harf forced herself back into the conversation and said, "I'm outraged when any president pardons a personal friend who is accused of lying about things that in part involved them and their campaign. I do not like it and I think it is inappropriate."

Francis said Trump feels like it's his fault because these people came to work for him. Huh?

Harf replied, "You shouldn't lie to the FBI."

Harris Faulkner came in to defend Trump's right to pardon Stone and said, "You can do it or you can’t."

In other words, there's nothing Trump can do that is wrong.

Harris then tried to use Obama's pardon of Chelsea Manning as a both-sides excuse for Trump.

That's ridiculous since it has no bearing on Stone's case. And especially since Roger Stone was a henchman for the Trump campaign, whereas Manning was not a campaigner for Obama.

Roger Stone was found guilty of seven felonies.

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