Meltdown On Fox News: 'You Want People Thrown In Jail Because They Like Donald Trump!'

Dagen McDowell lost her temper after Jessica Tarlov pointed out that Trump "surrounded himself with criminals."

It's been awhile since we've seen an Outnumbered meltdown on Fox News like this one. Boy howdy, this was a doozy.

Everything was sweetness and light this Valentine's Day until Jessica Tarlov dared to say some truth.

"I think we should highlight what has happened now that Republican senators, congresspeople, et cetera are having to spend their time defending Roger Stone and Paul Manafort who are two incredibly unsavory characters to say the least, Tarlov said. "That's what this president has done. He's surrounded himself with criminals."

Oh, the injustice. The terrible injustice of saying aloud the things we all know to be true. Former Bushie and "one lucky guy" Brad Blakeman leapt to Trump's defense, as did Dagen McDowell, creating a free for all.

Blakeman was trying to say their stink didn't rub off on Trump, but Tarlov was not having it.

Of Roger Stone, she reminded everyone that he did criminal things, for which he was convicted, and those things make him a criminal.

"The crew around this president is the swamp," she insisted. "He said he was going to D.C. to clear the swamp. He hired the swamp in full."

That triggered the full-on verbal beating from Dagen McDowell.

"You want people thrown in jail because they like Donald Trump, that's essentially what you're saying," she shouted at Tarlov. "They might be skeevy. Roger Stone might be skeevy and look skeevy but you know what? It's not fair for a first-time offender to--"

"Oh, my god! I'll obstruct Congress, no big deal. I'll witness tamper, no big deal," Tarlov answered sarcastically.

Apparently all Dagen McDowell meant is that nine years is excessive for a man who has spent his entire lifetime lying and ratfcking for the benefit of Republicans. That's all.

Tarlov was not mollified. "What I am saying and I am not alone here, there is bipartisan agreement that someone like Paul Manafort had this coming, he spent years doing dirty deals in Ukraine and in Russia," she said, barely keeping herself from adding that Roger Stone is a dirty jerk who should have been in prison years ago too.

It took Harris Faulkner to break it up, reminding everyone that today is a "day of love."

The part of this that frustrates me is that all Fox viewers will remember is Dagen's claim that liberals want to throw people who like Trump in jail, because they're so accustomed to being the victim. Still, good for Tarlov for saying some true things on Fox News.

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