Judge Napolitano: Trump Was Guilty As Sin
Fox News Legal Analyst Andrew Napolitano wrote a scathing op-ed indicting every Republican senator but Mitt Romney.
While Trump surrogates lie to the press and claim Trump did nothing wrong whatsoever, Judge Andrew Napolitano, Fox News' Senior Legal Analyst writes that Senate Republicans shirked their duty and acquitted Trump without bothering to weigh any evidence highlighted by them refusing to call a single witness.
Judge Nap outlined the entire case:
Federal law prohibits such solicitation as criminal and prohibits government officials from seeking personal favors in return for performing their governmental duties. The latter is bribery.
The evidence that Trump did this is overwhelming and beyond a reasonable doubt, and no one with firsthand knowledge denied it.
Napolitano then explained how new evidence against Trump was buried by Senate Republicans (24 newly uncovered emails and John Bolton's testimony) was as shameful as Trump's behavior.
Isn't it odd that a president who clamors for exoneration, who claimed loud and long that he committed no crime and did no wrong, who insisted that his request to the Ukrainian president to seek dirt on Biden in return for American financial assistance was "perfect," would command the members of his own party to block testimony adverse to him – rather than hear it, cross-examine it, challenge it and thereby obtain the exoneration on the merits that he seeks?
Do innocent people behave this way?
They do not.