Lamar Alexander Shrugs Off His Oath Of Office

Watch this Republican senator shrug off his sworn duty to the constitution because "people won't accept" the fact that Trump is guilty and should be removed.

Sen. Lamar Alexander skirted his sworn duty as a duly elected senator when he admitted to Chuck Todd on Meet the Press that he does agree Trump did many wrongdoings within the Ukraine scandal, but wanted the voters to pass judgment on him in the upcoming election instead upholding of his sworn duty to the Constitution.

Trump blocked all relevant documents and testimony of John Bolton, Mick Mulvaney, Mike Pompeo and many others from testifying under oath since they were present during the phone call to Ukraine president and knew about his actions leading up to that phone call.

But when Alexander was asked by Chuck Todd if John Bolton should have testified in front of the Senate he demurred, saying "Well, if the question is do I need more evidence to think the president did it, the answer's no."

Then he should vote to convict!

Instead he used Marco Rubio to try and deflect away from his Trump appeasement.

He went a step further. He said this was an impeachable offense. But he was uncomfortable in an election year. I mean, this --

But I'm concerned about the divisions in the country. They're reflected in the Senate. They make it harder to get a result. I mean, I work pretty hard to get results on healthcare, making it easier to go to college. And we've had some real success with that. But the Senate is for the purpose of solving big problems that the country will accept. And that goes back to what happened this past week. The country would not have accepted the Senate saying to it, "You can't vote for or against President Trump in the Iowa caucus, New Hampshire primary, the election this year."

Impeachment is part of our United States Constitution and to use an upcoming election as an excuse not to fulfill the requirements is as cowardly an action as a senator can make.

Throughout the interview it's as if the retiring Republican senator did not pay attention to any of the witnesses in the House impeachment case or bother to read much of anything so as make sure to give cover to a narcissistic imbecile.

Alexander claimed at one point that Trump probably didn't know he was committing a crime, but that does not excuse the crime or the person from being prosecuted for it.

Trump, with the aid of Rudy Giuliani built up a shadow government, passed phony information and Russian propaganda to Fox News in an effort to force the newly elected president of Ukraine to investigate Joe and Hunter Biden, his main political rival.

That's not "just a phone call." Trump and his henchmen were involved in a conspiracy to use a foreign government to steal the 2020 presidential election .

Republicans have now tried to implement a time-frame, (something the framers did not include) in the Constitution on when a Supreme Court nominee can be voted on or whether a president can be impeached because he served his own purposes and not the country's.

Mitch McConnell will go down in history as the most corrupt Senate majority leader of all time and Lamar Alexander will be right there beside him.

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