Rush Limbaugh Attacks Top CDC Official Because She's Rod Rosenstein's Sister

There's no low too low for Medal of Freedom honoree Rush Limbaugh. Instead of being a good citizen and informing listeners about the coronavirus, he's attacking CDC officials for their family ties.

In 2014 when the Ebola virus was active, right wing blowhards went ballistic against President Obama, claiming he was doing nothing, causing us all to face a certain death.

Ebola! Ebola!

Donald Trump led the way by attacking the CDC and scaring the bejesus out of Americans.

Flash Forward to 2020, and now we have right-wing provocateurs like Rush Limbaugh and many on Fox News claiming that the media and the Democratic party are hyping the dangers of the coronavirus to tank the stock markets all in an effort to hurt Donald Trump's re-election bid.

Their politics of victimhood knows no limits.

And by the way, they are also weaponizing the political party a federal employee supports or who they may donate to as a sign of disloyalty to Trump. This is illegal, un-American and as despicable as it gets.

Suddenly the CDC has also turned against Donald Trump, if the blowhards are to be believed.

Apparently they are promoting fear and panic over the coronavirus to - as you guessed - hurt poor innocent and righteous Donald Trump.

These hatemongers are going to cause some federal workers who are doing their jobs to get really hurt.

It's sickening.

Rush Limbaugh has been leading this particular charge of late. He obviously knew that Rod Rosenstein's sister is a leading official at the CDC and that's why he brought this up on his show previously to try and make the impact today that much more powerful in the land of MAGA when he uncovered a tightly-held secret.

During today's broadcast, Limbaugh turned his attention to Dr. Nancy Messonnier, who has warned that this could turn into a pandemic that may spread to the United States and for everyone to take precautions. This is exactly what the CDC is supposed to do. But not in Trump-land.

Trying to make believe he did some real investigative journalism Rush pronounced, "So you’ve got here the CDC urging Americans to prepare for a coronavirus virus outbreak."

"'This might be bad, could be bad. Keep your kids at home. Don’t go anywhere. It might be bad. We’ve got 53 cases. It might be bad. It could be!' The stock market’s plunging," he continued. "Okay. This person running this agency, who does she donate to? Well, her brother is Rod Rosenstein."

Wingnuts are so desperate they don't care whose lives they destroy.

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