Rush Limbaugh's Homophobic Rant: Dems 'Ramming' Gay Mayor Pete 'Down Trump's Throat'

The newest Medal of Freedom winner is very concerned about Pete Buttigieg kissing his husband on stage.

Our newest Presidential Medal of Freedom winner is back at his day job, stoking hatred and fear of people in service of His Hero, Donald Trump. His target this time is Pete Buttigieg specifically and LGBTQ people generally.

There is literally no substance to Limbaugh's attack beyond the fact that Pete Buttigieg is gay and married, and aspiring to toss Trump out of the White House.

Here's what he said:

They are sitting there and looking at Mayor Pete. 37-year-old gay guy, Mayor of South Bend. Loves to kiss his husband on the debate stage. And they are saying, okay, how is this going to look? 37-year-old gay guy kissing his husband on stage next to Mr. Man, Donald Trump. What's going to happen there?

And they got to be looking at that, and they've got to be saying, that despite all the great progress and despite all the great wokeness and despite all the great ground that's been covered, America still not ready to elect a gay guy kissing his husband on the debate stage president. They have to be saying this, don't they?

Now, there may be some Democrats who think that is the ticket. There may be some Democrats who think that's exactly what we need to do, Rush. Get a gay guy kissing his husband on stage, to ram it down Trump's throat and beat him in the general election. Really. Having fun envisioning that.

This is all part and parcel of the Manly Men mantra that is the steel holding together Trump's campaign. It's why Junior circulates photos of his wildlife murders, it's why they drape plastic women on their arms, it's why they puff out their chests and strut around and talk about guns and freedom.

And always, there's Rush Limbaugh there to prop them up.

The funny part is, Pete's policy prescriptions are much closer to conservatives than Democrats. He's a student of the Pete Peterson "cut the safety net" school. But for Rush, it's never about policy and always about stoking hate and fear.

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