Stop To Shed A Tear For Poor Canceled Mark Halperin
Mark Halperin is having a pity party, complaining that a serial sexual harasser is treated worse than a murderer. Awww.
Mark Halperin is having a pity party, inviting the press to come and hear him whine, according to Mother Jones.
“It’s akin to being a refugee, or being in some other situation where you’re constantly under pressure and can’t stop to, unless you’re a super strong person, you can’t stop to try to rebuild that kind of confidence and self-worth that is required,” he told the three reporters who showed up to his PR "Pity Me" party.
He compared life after cancellation to PTSD, though he agreed that he didn't view his specific experience as traumatic. Which is good, because I promise you that the women he harassed were traumatized.
Who is he actually kidding with this? Just to review, Mark Halperin used his celebrity and his power to prey on women.
As Steve M. wrote:
The most grotesque Mark Halperin story to emerge so far involves Dianna May, formerly Dianna Goldberg, who, The Washington Post tells us, was a young ABC News researcher in the mid-1990s. She asked Halperin for help on a story. He invited her to his office -- then demanded that she sit on his lap. She complied. He was sexually aroused. This happened several more times to her.
Mark Halperin is pretending to stand tall for the rights of all canceled people to re-enter society or else collapse in a wave of self-pity. There is no regret, no acknowledgment that he is not entitled to be reinstated into the position he had when he was abusing women, no suggestion that the redemptive path might be one out of the public eye forever and ever amen.
When I asked Halperin to differentiate between appropriate and inappropriate ways that he had been held accountable for his behavior, he didn’t give a direct answer. Instead he said victims deserve “top priority” but complained again that there isn’t a mechanism for reintegrating canceled people. “Murderers in our society who get out of prison are afforded an opportunity to go on with some aspect of their life,” he said. “The challenge to a lot of people who are canceled is there’s no mechanism for that, regardless of what they’ve done, regardless of whether they’ve tried to make amends.” The MeToo movement rewrote the rules of the game Halperin had been playing all his life. Now he wants the new rules to be rewritten to let him back in.
Like I said, he doesn't have the right to be restored to the place he enjoyed while he was using his power to harass and humiliate women any more than Bernie Madoff should ever have the right to get near the financial markets again.
I'm still not hearing anything like empathy or contrition. It's all about how he's a victim, poor thing. The only one victimizing him is him.