Susan Collins Is Disappointed — Again

We're sure she will cluck and say some things before shrugging and voting for everything Trump wants.

Susan Collins spends her life in a state of perpetual disappointment. She's disappointed in so much, in so many things that Trump does that she doesn't even need to use the word "disappointment" to convey her disappointment.

Take Trump's decision to put Richard Grenell in as Acting DNI after firing Joseph Maguire, ostensibly for not being loyal enough to His Majesty.

“I would have much preferred that the president nominate acting director Maguire for the post,” Collins told reporters, as reported by Politico. “I care deeply about that position and believe the person needs experience in the intelligence community which regrettably Ambassador Grenell does not have.”

Oh. She's clearly disappointed. Again. If only she had some power to actually act on that disappointment. If only she could do more than say some words.

I mean, you'd think the reports that he's been a paid hack for hard right-wing governments (without registering) would be something she might want to investigate.

If only.

Her opponent is Sara Gideon, who is polling quite well in Maine. Consider sending her a couple of bucks to help Susan leave her disappointment behind for good.

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