Trump Shocked The Flu Can Be Deadly

The man has been president for three years and still doesn't know why we give out flu shots?

During Wednesday's press conference on the coronavirus Donald Trump was genuinely shocked when he suddenly found out that the flu actually kills thousands of people a year.

I mean, I have no words for this. Even as an ordinary citizen, most Americans understand that the flu kills thousands of people a year - especially the elderly. And in recent years some of the strains have been very dangerous.

But since there's a possible pandemic occurring, I guess Trump finally went to an actual briefing on the subject with actual experts from CDC. And as he was finally listening to something other than Fox News and Lou Dobbs wax poetic about his awesomeness, someone must have brought up the severity of the flu In comparison to what might happen with the coronavirus.

I can't explain how uneducated and myopic his words were when he said this:

I want to you understand something that shocked me when I saw it. I spoke with the doctor on this. I was really amazed and I think most people are amazed to hear it. The flu in our country kills from 25,000 people to 69,000 people a year. That was shocking to me. So far if you look at the 15 people, they're recovering. one is pretty sick. But hopefully will recover. The ruse in great shame. Think of that. 25,000 to 69,000. over the last ten years, we've lost 360,000. these are people that have died from the flu. From what we call the flu. Hey, did you get your flu shot? And that's something.

It's not shocking or amazing to over 300 million people in the United States. It's been a known fact for decades. But to this imbecile, it was a revelation.

And yes, it is called the flu.


He acted like a toddler who first learns that fire burns your hand.

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