Tucker Carlson Demands Trump Pardon Roger Stone To Prove RussiaGate Is A Hoax
In some of the most bizarre "logic" ever, Tucker Carlson makes the case that Russiagate can be erased if only Roger Stone is pardoned.
This is a gorgeous specimen of twisted logic from Tucker Carlson, TV dinner heir, spewed into homes nationwide.
Carlson begins by telling gullible Fox News viewers that Roger Stone's conviction helps Democrats' case that Russia interfered in the 2016 election for the benefit of Donald Trump.
Why, yes it does. But really, lots of pieces come together to make that case, and Roger Stone is just one tiny shard of a far bigger puzzle.
The hilarious part, though, is that Tucker thinks Trump's pardon will somehow erase the facts of the case, which is why he argues this:
Again, a pardon cements their case. It acknowledges that he did what he was convicted of and simply erases the penalty with a stroke of the pen. No jail, but history doesn't forget that he was convicted of lying and a prolonged effort to intimidate Randy Credico into lying on his behalf.
If you have the time, you should read the first sentencing memo (PDF) prosecutors submitted, where they outline just how deliberate, obnoxious, and determined Roger Stone was to try and set up Credico as his insurance policy against being accountable for any interaction with Wikileaks. After you read it, it seems clear why prosecutors asked for the time they did.