Twitter LOLs Over Trump's Congrats To The Chiefs For 'Representing The Great State Of Kansas'
He can run all the ads he wants pretending to give a damn, but he can't even get the right state for this year's Super Bowl champs.

What a game, huh? No matter which team you were rooting for, that game was fun from start to end with both sides battling it out with all their hearts.
And we all know that the San Francisco 49ers are a California team and the Kansas City Chiefs are a Missouri team. Right? RIGHT?
One of us doesn't. This was Donald Effing Trump's congratulatory tweet at the end of the game (now deleted for obvious reasons):

Yeah, that's right. The "Great State of Kansas" might enjoy taking the credit, but the Kansas City Chiefs are a Missouri team.
And of course, Twitter had some thoughts. Many, actually.
That thing when you spend millions of dollars on a Super Bowl TV ad and then one tweet blows up your entire investment because you’re a fucking moron.
— Rick Wilson (@TheRickWilson) February 3, 2020
It’s Missouri you stone cold idiot.
— Claire McCaskill (@clairecmc) February 3, 2020
By tomorrow morning Senate Republicans will be asserting that Kansas City is, in fact, in Kansas.
— Sydra (@sydrasmith) February 3, 2020
"Missouri does not exist, Comrade, and it never has." - right wing media tomorrow
— Jay McKenzie (@JamesFourM) February 3, 2020
Point well taken here:
Had they not changed this, how many Republican Senators and Reps would have rushed to cameras by morning to insist that the Chiefs DO play in Kansas, and only the people should decide if that's untrue?
— Joy Reid (@JoyAnnReid) February 3, 2020
And a couple of LOLs just because:
Condolences to 48ers fans everywhere.
— Philippe Reines (@PhilippeReines) February 3, 2020
At least they still have their 409Ks
— George Conway (@gtconway3d) February 3, 2020
It's funny, and it's not funny. For a guy who has been president of ALL these United States for 3 years now, but especially for the states in the Midwest where he pretends to be a "man of the people," is there really any excuse for this? It's pathetic and just proves again and again that he is not fit for the office. Period.