Fox And Friends Pretends Trump Is Sympathetic To NY's Need For Ventilators.

Ainsley Earhardt completely re-words Dear Leader's response to Gov. Cuomo's plea for 30,000 ventilators.

The bobos at Fox and Friends spent about two full minutes complaining that the COVID-19 economic relief bill was a "Two-trillion-dollar slush fund" because of relatively small, seemingly unrelated expenditures that got added. Geraldo Rivera joined them and basically said, whatever, this is how the sausage is made, just get it done.

You start to question your sanity when you agree with Geraldo, but it doesn't last long, because then he started minimizing the need for ventilators in NY. Geraldo cites Dr. Deborah Birx (who has lost whatever credibility she had, now demurring to Trump) saying there are still available hospital beds and ventilators in New York, as if those need to all be used up before they can ask for more. As if predicting and planning aren't useful tools for fighting this pandemic. As if jury-rigging single ventilators to work for multiple patients was a perfectly acceptable way to go. When he starts waxing romantic about Trump's approval ratings, and how we should all rally behind this "wartime president," you'll surely be reaching for the barf bag.

Finally, we have Ainsley Earhardt taking the cake with her obvious re-write of Trump's horrible dismissal of Gov. Andrew Cuomo's plea for 30,000 ventilators.

EARHARDT: They're all playing the blame game, and I was watching Sean Hannity interview the president last night, and the president said, "Look," to Governor Cuomo, he said, "Look, 30,000 ventilators? I would love to give you those, but some hospitals only have one." He said, "Do you really need 30,000? If you do, we'll do our best," but he said, "It's complicated, it's expensive to make," so, I agree with you, Geraldo, I think it's not time to do the blame game.

Actually, Trump said, "I don't believe you need 40,000 or 30,000 ventilators. You go into a hospital and they have two ventilators and all of a sudden the need 30,000 ventilators?" THAT'S what he said. He didn't promise to do his best. He didn't say they're expensive. He didn't say he'd love to give Cuomo the ventilators. He said he did not believe NY needed them. Period.

Nice try, Ms. Earhardt.

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