Larry Kudlow Should Burn In Hell
Larry Kudlow should be banned from all credible television because he knew he was lying when he told the American public the virus was contained.
Donald Trump's scumbag White House economic counsel director joined ABC News' This Week on Sunday to make believe he didn't mislead and lie to all the American people when weeks ago he told everybody that the coronavirus was contained.
Larry Kudlow was doing his usual lie-filled television appearance when he told guest host Martha Raddatz that the economy will be back on track within weeks and not months.
Raddatz was obviously skeptical with this charlatan. "You say weeks and not months, but how can you be sure this economic tragedy won't be long term if there is no guarantee that people will have jobs to return to," she said. "I don't see how it could be just weeks."
"Well, listen. I say that weeks. It could be four weeks. It could be eight weeks. I say that hopefully and I say that prayerfully," he preened. "That's what some of the science experts are telling us. I don't know if they'll be right."
Now he's trying to shift his economic predictions on to the scientists and not his lying economic voodoo mysticism.
He filibustered a bit and said this about the recovery, "I can't guarantee it, can't wave a magic wand, I wish I could."
He told Martha he's just a plain old optimist junkie.
F*ck You Larry.
You can tell I'm furious at this bastard. I rarely ever use expletives but they are called for now when sane reasoning falls by the wayside.
He told Martha nobody expected this thing to come down "as far and hard and widespread as it did but it did."
Yes, if he was watching only Fox News.
That lie was too big for Raddatz and she cut him off.
"Mr. Kudlow, I want to stop you right there -- it was also just a month ago you told CNBC that you thought the virus was contained in the country even though doctors were warning otherwise -- "
She continued, "You also downplayed the threat of a long long lasting economic tragedy. You have since said that was based on facts at the time. But why should people trust you this morning with your prediction."
“I’m as good as the facts are,” Kudlow replied.
You motherf****ing liar.
“And at the time I made the statement, the facts were [that the virus was] contained, the president had just put the travel restrictions on China. And a lot of people agreed with me. A lot of people felt that the flu was worse than this virus,” Kudlow whined.
“But as soon as the facts changed, we changed our whole posture,” he said.
You lying piece of shit. The entire world knew this virus was not contained as well as our own medical experts but you lied anyway to all the faces of the American people. And now you are trying to blame the scientists for your own lies.
His statements and actions like that of Trump have put millions of people at risk and death.
Martha should have followed up with all our medical people saying just the opposite and in fact were screaming that this was 10 times worse than the flu.