Lou Dobbs: Trump Is Right About Hydroxychloroquine Because He's President

Trump-supporting Fox TV hosts are spreading this tripe of misinformation to the detriment of the American public.

France has released a so-called coronavirus study that included only 20 people in an uncontrolled environment.

On Twitter, infectious disease geneticist Gaetan Burgio called it utterly insane.

But that didn't stop Fox News personalities from hyping it to the American public, so they could defend Trump against his own medical experts.

On Monday's Lou Dobbs Tonight, the Trump lovin' host proclaimed that Trump was right and Dr. Fauci was wrong. His "proof"? A single Laura Ingraham guest saying he was cured because of HER medical advice.

Fox host David Asman began by saying "the media is trying to start a fight between Trump and the doctor" just because Fausi routinely has to explain away misstatements of fact by Trump.

And then Dobbs began with his effigy to the glory of Trump:

"Yes. It's absolutely not true. And furthermore, the president has been exactly right about those two drugs - Hydroxychloroquine - it's just amazing," Dobbs said as he canonized Trump.

He continued, "Hydroxychloroquine - it's just amazing. And that is now being prescribed, it now holds great hope."

Who exactly is prescribing this drug? Studies have begun on this and many others but so far it's not been approved for any use, but facts don't matter to these propagandists.

And to exalt the almighty, Dobbs said, "And the president was right and frankly Fauci was wrong. Because he said the president is speaking as a layman. No, he's speaking as the President of the United States whose responsibility is for the lives and safety of millions of Americans. Whose actions by this president, you know, depend."

To Dobbs, every word Trump utters is sacrosanct. This means Trump is the 2020 version of the US Constitutional Bible.

What you didn't hear from Lou Dobbs was that a man who took Trump-touted drugs in Arizona and died because of it.

A man has died and his wife is under critical care after the couple, both in their 60s, ingested chloroquine phosphate," one of the anti-malaria drugs that President Trump has mentioned in recent days, according to Banner Health, the hospital system that treated both patients.

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