Trump Ducks Important Question, Instead Whining That NBC News Called Him A Racist

Trump blames the media for his refusal to take the coronavirus seriously after he claimed he said it was a pandemic before anyone.

Trump took the lead in another campaign re-election speech/coronavirus press conference, making a fool of himself after he was confronted by MSNBC's Kristen Welker for not being prepared enough to have ramped up testing kits for Americans.

United States has been woeful in churning out COVID-19 tests to give to Americans that might be infected to help curtail the spread of the virus. The United States has virtually no test kits being distributed, kits which would go a long way in containing the spread of the deadly virus.

Since early January, Trump consistently described the coronavirus threat as a Democratic hoax led by the media that was trying to impeach him yet again. All his Fox News minions followed suit and stuck to the script.

Two months later he's telling people that he knew the virus was a pandemic before anybody else and that he was totally prepared.

Kristen Welker started off with a simple question which Trump used to attack China and when she tried to follow up he cut her off. "It could have been stopped in its tracks, " he said. "Unfortunately they didn’t decide to make it public and the whole world is suffering because of it.”

And then she took out the sledgehammer.

“You did say a few days ago though you did have a sense that this was a pandemic that was coming so why was the United States not prepared with more testing and supplies?” she asked.

“We were very prepared. The only thing we weren’t prepared for was the media," he whined.

What does the media have to do with a federal government's response to a deadly virus?

Trump has no real response to his unconscionable response to the outbreak so he turns to the only political move he has. Glorify himself, lie and then attack others.

"The media has not treated it fairly, " Trump said.

Only medical professionals can treat a virus and not the media, you ignoramus.

"I’ll tell you how prepared I was, I called for a ban from people coming in from China long before anybody in fact -- , it was your network, I believe they called me racist because I did that," he complained.

Here's a timeline of the coronavirus outbreak. Trump waited weeks before ordering travel restrictions for China. And once he closed that off he did nothing else to prepare for the inevitable as other cases were being reported around the world.

“Many of the people in the room, they called me racist and other words because I did that," he continued. "Because I went so early, so when you say we weren't prepared, had I let these tens of thousands of people come in from China a day, we would have had something right now, that would have been — you wouldn’t have even recognized it compared to where we are.”

The United States has no idea where we are today because we haven't started any real form of testing at this point and the virus incubates for up to two weeks before it strikes.

His followers do love when he attacks the press and uses the reverse racism charge to defend himself.

Trump never listened to medical experts or the CDC and instead turned to his son-in-law Jared Kushner, who said it was no big thing.

He went as far as saying that his actions were so brilliant other countries are following his lead.

Pukeworthy stuff, isn't it?

Here is a tweet from Senator Chris Murphy on February 5th:

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