Narcissist Trump Gives Himself A Perfect 10 For COVID-19 Response As Markets Crash
Please make him stop talking. Please.
Please, how do we keep this man off the television?
He's killing the markets and the economy.
Knowing that the Dow futures were in the tank, was he still high because of a Friday bounce-back that he could magically think he would show his orange face and the markets would respond?
I thought Mike Pence was running the virus task force.
What about Dr. Fauci?
Last week Trump said he takes "no responsibility" whatsoever for the federal government's response to this pandemic and instead blamed Obama. This has been his only political move: Attack previous administrations when he fails.
As Trump began today's press conference, the stock market tickers plummeted all the time he was talking.
As the markets were closing, a reporter yelled at the podium and was able to get in this question.
"Mr. President, the other day you said you were not responsible for the testing shortfall. Very simple question, does the buck stop with you? On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your response to this crisis?"
Trump did not respond to "does the buck stop with him," but quickly gave himself a perfect 10 on his response to this crisis.
"I'd rate it a 10," he said.
I think we've done a great job. It started with the fact that we kept a very highly infected country, despite all of the -- even the professionals saying, no, it's too early to do that, we were very, very early with respect to China. We would have a whole different situation in this country if we didn't do that. I would rate it very, very -- I would rate ourselves and the professionals, I think the professionals have done a fantastic job. As far as the testing, you heard the Admiral. I think the testing that we've done, we really took over an obsolete system or put it maybe in a different way a system that wasn't meant to do anything like this, we took it over and we're doing something that's never been done in this country. I think that we are doing very well. We took the system, we worked with the system we had and we broke down the system purposely, we broke it down in order to do what we're doing now. And within a short period of time and even now we're testing tremendous numbers of people and ultimately you're saying it will be, what, it will be up to how many people will we be able to test?
He keeps attacking Pres. Obama's H1N1 crisis response, but that is not relevant at all because he's president and Obama is not. The biggest problem now is that President Obama put in place a pandemic response team that Trump dissolved because he hates Obama.
And Obama did really well with the outbreak as Factcheck writers, "While that death toll may sound high, it’s over an entire year and, in fact, ended up being far lower than was initially expected. The strain of influenza also turned out to have a case fatality rate of just 0.02% — well below even many typical seasonal influenzas."
This imbecile keeps flailing away with inaccurate talking points and improvised puffery that does nothing absolutely nothing because confusion and chaos is the way he likes things. He thought he could fluff the markets like he did on Friday and instead the opposite happened.