WATCH: Eric Trump On Camera, On Fox, Mentions 25th Amendment

Really, Eric? You wanna go there with gaffes and removal from office?

Eric Trump appeared with the Fox "real news" division on Tuesday and said a stupid.

ERIC TRUMP: If my father was making the same gaffes as he [Biden] was, they would literally invoke article 25 of the... they would... remove him from office.

A reminder that Donald Trump has made so many verbal slip-ups that The Daily Show is doing a March Madness bracket for viewers to choose their favorite.

In other Eric news, on Wednesday he failed at math, claiming that his dad had more primary votes than the Democrats (false) and it was a huge victory (he's basically running unopposed and canceling primaries where possible).

Aaaand....The taxpayers are paying for much of Eric's "business" trips.

It's remarkable how Eric Trump lives up to the Saturday Night Live portrayal of him, every single time.

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