WH's Larry Kudlow Lies Again To American People: Coronavirus 'Looks Relatively Contained'
Donald Trump's Chief Economic Advisor continued White House efforts to refuse to be honest with the American people during a segment CNBC on Friday.
In times of any kind of U.S. national crisis, whether it's in foreign policy, economic or health related, the American people want to rely on the president and their administration to be honest to the American people and inform them as best they can.
That is not the case with the Trump administration. Instead of getting competent medical and CDC people leading press conferences to the White House press corps, we get narcissistic buffoons claiming that we already have a cure almost done and COVID-19 has been totally contained because Trump is totally awesome and handled it perfectly.
On Friday, Larry Kudlow, Trump's chief economic advisor (which is ludicrous on its face), continued the trend of mis-truths, lies and unconscionable asinine comments about the coronavirus outbreak in America.
And what makes Kudlow's comments even more dangerous and moronic is that he was appointed to the Coronavirus Task Force.
“We don’t actually know what the magnitude of the virus is going to be. Although, frankly, so far it looks relatively contained,” he told CNBC.
He said this as the US death toll rose to 17 as the state of Florida reported their first fatalities.
Discussing what the Trump administration may do to ease economic tensions, Kudlow said, "Regarding the containment issue, I will still argue to you that this is contained."
He continued, "It can't be airtight but when you look at the numbers here --- more testing will uncover more cases --- but in a relative sense, relative to our population, relative to ordinary flus, I don't want to downgrade this thing --- but I think it is relatively contained."
Kudlow offered up no information or proof that the coronavirus has been contained -- just his empty, slurring words. In fact, professionals who this administration would never listen to warn that this country is not at all prepared for the magnitude of this pandemic.
The American people deserve much more than this sideshow of an administration that's populated by carnival barkers, grifters and con-men repeating lied after lied to the American people.