Dr. Phil Is Trending On Twitter For All The Wrong Reasons

Quack opinions abound on Laura Ingraham's Fox News show to force Trump to lift self quarantine advice.

Being unfulfilled by Dr. Fauci's appearance, Laura Ingraham brought on Dr. Phil to give his much more appreciated second opinion on the matter of getting people back to work.

Stress, depression and anxiety are common traits found in just day-to-day living but now with the coronavirus sweeping into the country and families self quarantining, those levels are rising.

As if we are all uneducated children, Dr. Phil explained that you can't have an x-ray to show the amount of depression and anxiety that are in one person's body.

Can I get a Homer Simpson's, Duh.

"The longer this lockdown goes on the more people become vulnerable get." he continued.

And with no proof to verify his wild claim, Dr. Phil said that more people will suffer from the stress and anxiety which in turn will cause more death and destruction because of the quarantine "than the actual virus will itself."

What an a-hole. And how the f**k does he know the outcome of any of this?

He went on to misrepresent many of the facts and figures he claimed were the truth to say we are all being silly self-quarantining to avoid getting infected by COVID19.

“250 people a year die from poverty,” he claimed, which is not the right figure and a topic Laura couldn't care less about.

"The economy is crashing around them."

And like a simpleton Dr. Phil said “People are dying from the coronavirus, I get that.”

Do you? Do you, really?

Then he played the false equivalency game, completely ignoring that the coronavirus is highly contagious and passed on with hardly any physical contact.

“The fact of the matter is, we have people dying, 45,000 people a year die from automobile accidents, 480,000 from cigarettes, 360,000 a year from swimming pools, but we don’t shut the country down for that,”

And with an authoritative tone he whined, "But yet we're doing it for this?"

He's comparing accidents and addictions to a highly contagious virus.

And 360,000 people did not die in swimming pools? WTF.

He's a professional TV personality so how did he get so much data wrong?

Ted Lieu fact checked his idiocy.

Fox News is trying to get people killed and fckwads like Dr. Phil are helping them.

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