Fox News Host Breathless Over Trump's 'Stamina' And 'Energy'
After fluffing him up, Melissa Francis lied about having flattened the curve on COVID-19 which is why he is ending his briefings.
Poor ladies at Fox News. They're sad that Trump may not be on the TV as much, since he (allegedly) was putting an end to the daily torture briefings filled with lies and anger and partisanship. Katie Pavlich asked Melissa Francis about it on an Outnumbered segment, and you'd think she was a Baltimorean on the day Cal Ripken retired.
DRUGS, Sweetie. It's the drugs.
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) April 27, 2020
No, we aren't. Considering the number of new cases is impossible to determine without widespread testing for (1) the virus and (2) the antibodies, and also considering a large number of people who have had it who have not gone to the hospital (or have been sent home to recover there without having a test), we have no real way of knowing if the curve is flattening.
Does the fact that he literally suggested people ingest disinfectant also make it a logical time for these briefings to stop?
Kansas health officials have seen a 40% increase in calls to poising control regarding cleaning chemicals, including one person who drank a product to combat the coronavirus. #KAKEnews
— KAKE News (@KAKEnews) April 28, 2020
Maryland and Michigan experience surge in poison control calls after Trump's disinfectant comments
— The Hill (@thehill) April 26, 2020
Now, THAT is an actually accurate statement. This IS a totally different "president." One whose only priority is helping his shattered ego limp along until the next high/rally/briefing. And if it ends up killing citizens along the way, or in service of that high, so be it.
I gotta say, though, this entire soliloquy probably sounded better in the original Korean.