Fox News Host Breathless Over Trump's 'Stamina' And 'Energy'

After fluffing him up, Melissa Francis lied about having flattened the curve on COVID-19 which is why he is ending his briefings.

Poor ladies at Fox News. They're sad that Trump may not be on the TV as much, since he (allegedly) was putting an end to the daily torture briefings filled with lies and anger and partisanship. Katie Pavlich asked Melissa Francis about it on an Outnumbered segment, and you'd think she was a Baltimorean on the day Cal Ripken retired.

FRANCIS: First of all, I can't believe he kept it up this long. I mean, this president shocks me every day, the amount of energy and stamina he has. I don't think any of the rest of us can keep up with him, and I have no idea how he does it.

DRUGS, Sweetie. It's the drugs.

FRANCIS: We couldn't stand there for hours and hours every day. I know couldn't. I think it had to end at some point, and it makes sense for it to have it now, because we are seeing this disease, we're seeing the curve flatten.

No, we aren't. Considering the number of new cases is impossible to determine without widespread testing for (1) the virus and (2) the antibodies, and also considering a large number of people who have had it who have not gone to the hospital (or have been sent home to recover there without having a test), we have no real way of knowing if the curve is flattening.

FRANCIS: I mean, we're seeing the seriousness of this, or, you know, maybe the new territory recedes, so now it's we know what we're dealing with. People have been inside. It feels like we are not out of the woods, and I don't mean to imply that in any way, but it does feel like we've turned a corner, and we're getting closer to opening things back up all around the country, so it's a perfectly logical time.

Does the fact that he literally suggested people ingest disinfectant also make it a logical time for these briefings to stop?

FRANCIS: It did get to the point where reporters were going into "gotcha" mode, but they're always gonna do that. I mean, that's sort of just like the nature of the beast. This time it's more exaggerated than in the past, but this is a totally different president.

Now, THAT is an actually accurate statement. This IS a totally different "president." One whose only priority is helping his shattered ego limp along until the next high/rally/briefing. And if it ends up killing citizens along the way, or in service of that high, so be it.

I gotta say, though, this entire soliloquy probably sounded better in the original Korean.

Credit: Youtube Screenshot
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