Speaker Pelosi Scolds SCOTUS 'Party Hacks' For Wisconsin Voting Decision

Speaker Nancy Pelosi was blunt about the Supreme Court decision to force Wisconsin voters to the polls instead of allowing them to vote by mail, calling the majority "party hacks" who demanded "all of us go to Mardi Gras together."

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi did not come to the Sunday shows to play games. In an appearance on AM Joy Sunday morning, she let the U.S. Supreme Court have a piece of her mind about their decision to force Wisconsin voters to the polls to vote in a special election.

While discussing the CARES Act and the funds Democrats had included for universal vote-by-mail in the age of the coronavirus, she turned to the Wisconsin decision.

What happened in Wisconsin was unconscionable on the part of the United States Supreme Court. They turned themselves into party hacks. Party hacks.

The court said, the election had to take place on that day, the court -- the lower court also said, though, should be consideration for more time for getting and counting absentee ballots. The Supreme court even reversed that.

They said you can't do the election, you have to do the election that day, but no accommodation and why? Because they had a political purpose. Disgraceful.

However, under the leadership of Wisconsin, the Democratic party and the Democratic establishment there, and the messaging that went out to the public, they won the election, thank God. But they taught us a lot of things about voter protection and actually what the Supreme Court of the United States said to the state of Wisconsin is why don't we all just go to the Mardi Gras together. So we can all be contaminated. Having those people stand in those lines for those hours having to interact with people and the polling place, unnecessarily, terrible.

According to reports, the number of people in Milwaukee County infected with COVID-19 after voting in the election is now up to 40, and that are just those who have been tested. Assume there are more who haven't been. Assume there are more across the state who have it because they went to the polls and voted.

"Party hacks" is a good start, but I would call those party hacks grim reapers, too.

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